Welcome to the 25K Club!

Hey 👋🏻 I'm Stephen.
I'm on a mission to help 25,000 people start a daily meditation practice.

Stephen Amelia

I'm a meditation teacher, but I'm not a guru!

I'm a former tech guy, husband, dad of two awesome little boys, and fellow student on the path.

If you're feeling stressed, having a hard time focusing or sleeping, and want to experience more happiness, you are in the right place.

Get Started.

It's easy and free. Sign up to get everything you need to establish your practice and create a daily habit.

You'll learn meditation practices that are firmly grounded in research and science. This isn't a "spiritual" program. It's open and accessible to all.

You'll receive...

  • 🎧 A free audio course you can listen to in your favorite podcast app or device.
  • 🛟 Ongoing support to help you maintain your daily practice.
  • 🗓️ Invitations to join live community practice calls.
  • 💡Useful tools, tips, and techniques to help you deepen your practice over time.

    I won't send you spam, share your information, or bombard your inbox. Unsubscribe at any time.

    A little more about me.

    Teaching in Central Park, NY, NY

    You might be wondering, who is this guy? I get it. I'd be wondering the same thing.

    10 years ago, I would have laughed if you told me I was going to end up a meditation teacher, but then life happens.

    I'll share the whole story once you've sign up, but I went on a journey when I became a dad. After participating in a LOT of inner work programs, including men's groups, shadow work courses, somatic experiencing programs, and more, I was in a worse place than when I started.

    So, I stopped doing all of those programs and focused on a simple daily meditation practice - it changed everything for me.

    Since then, I’ve studied to teach at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University, The Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, The Mindfulness and Health Institute, the Tibet House US, and The Path. Now, I teach workshops and courses and work 1:1 with individuals.

    My goal is to help 25,000* people establish a daily meditation practice. I hope you'll join the club and come on this journey with me.

    *The number 25,000 is a big part of this story. I'll share more after you've signed up.